CAS (Creativity Activity Service) in the DP at Sreenidhi

‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.’ —Aristotle

Academic excellence alone cannot assure happiness and success in life. A big part of holistic education is educating the heart and not just the mind. Service learning opens up a whole new world for our children to realise their purpose in life.

Service learning at Sreenidhi encompasses the philosophy of looking at life beyond the self and doing service with a sense of responsibility. We achieve this through the CAS program in the DP by involving our learners in a variety of meaningful experiences through the CAS strands – Creativity, Activity and Service aligned with the CAS learning outcomes and prepares them for life by making them aware of their self, honing their problem-solving skills, developing empathy towards their fellow human beings, sensitizing them towards the world around to take responsible action at the local level to extend at a global scale in the future.

Service is one of the strands of the CAS programme which fosters the young minds to know the world around and encourages them to leave impactful impressions that bring about a positive change to the environment and the world around them. This journey involves reflection at every step which helps them to introspect and grow as global citizens.

Service learning empowers the learners to give back to the society with joy and extend their support fitting into the framework of CAS project stages identical to the five stages of service learning – identifying the problem, investigating the dynamics of the problem and the solutions, preparing to engage in action and reflecting on their whole process, and demonstrating their accomplishments